The sights you see on the internet

The curious case of McKamey Manor

So you’re going on holiday to the west coast of America? Well there is nowhere quite like San Diego to have a couple of weeks of R&R. The beautiful sands of over 15 beaches and of course being scared shitless in someone else’s home. Why would you want to go half way across the world just to go and have someone go “BOO!” in your face? Well McKamey Manor isn’t quite like most Haunted experiences as this video shows.

On its website ( McKamey Manor claims to be an experience that will test you to your very core. All that is asked for in return for the most frightening experience of your life is four tins of dog food for OPERATION GREYHOUND, a very noble and worthy cause. With a waiting list 17,000 people strong there many grey hounds that will have full bellies for a while.

Somehow I imagine McKamey Manors selection process to be a little less intense

Somehow I imagine McKamey Manors selection process to be a little less Cosmopolitan (Image courtsey of Wikimedia Commons)

But there’s something a little wrong here isn’t there? Firstly there is the process of getting into the Manor which is a bit like performing a mason’s secret handshake. Then there is the matter that few people know where MM (as fans call it) is due to visitors being assigned random “pick up” points were they are kidnapped and taken to the location itself. Now I’m sure your thinking although it seems a little extreme it’s all a bit of fun and a good cause so what’s the problem? Well nothing in principle but there’s a darker side to all of this.

"And Article 31 It's not a breach of human rights if the person breching them says it's not" (image Ccourtesy of Wikimedia Commons)

“And Article 31: It’s not a breach of human rights if the person breching them says it’s not” (image Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)

As part of the process guests of the manor are required to upload pre &  post videos. These all have one thing in common; they all talk about their injuries post MM. Some of these are rather toe curling and also potentially in breach of the Universal Declaration Of Human Rights article 5 (No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment). Now even though MM doesn’t disclose what is on their waiver I cannot imagine that it says “you are signing your human rights away” or words to that effect and if it does it would be in breach of international law.

Of course whenever someone speaks up about these things; or the fact that because MM is non-profit it’s staff can take a caviler approach to US employment law or anything that might harm the bastion of invincibility that is McKamey Manor (praise be upon it) is met with some of the most lubricious hatred in response to questions that are quite sensible. As the Independent found when it looked on the comment section of one of the videos. (

So does Mckamey Manor look as enticing now? I’ll leave you to decide.

